Microblading by

CRLA Brows

MICROBLADING is a tattoo technique for eyebrows in which pigment is deposited into the upper layer of the dermis with a hand tool made up of ultra thin needles. These tiny needles are used to create delicate hair-like strokes within your eyebrow to help hide sparse areas and define shape.   The results of this procedure can last up to two years depending on the client’s skin.

MICROBLADING VS. NANO MACHINE HAIRSTROKES: Both techniques enhance and shape the eyebrows, however, it’s the application that is the main difference between the two. Microblading is a manual technique done with a hand tool and blades consisting of 18 or more micro needles used to deposit pigment via incisions into the epidermis. Nano machine hairstrokes are done with a digital device (Perminate Makeup Machine) consisting of one ultra fine needle used to implant pigment into the shallow depths of the epidermis. Microblading is best for normal to dry skin, while nano machine strokes are ideal for all skin types including thin, sensitive, oily skin and mature skin. Because the nano machine hair stroke device allows pigment to be deposited more shallowly than the microblading technique, healing time is less. Both techniques require 6 week and annual touch ups depending on each clients skin and the way they retain pigment. Pigment retention is depended on many factors from oil production to sun exposure and even depending on what type of skincare products and procedures are used on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

BEFORE MICROBLADING and NANO MACHINE HAIRSTROKES, avoid sun exposure for 1-2 weeks.  Do not take aspirin, vitamin E or ibuprofen 24 hours before.  No alcohol or caffeine the night before or day off.  No Botox for 4 weeks prior to appointment (you may get Botox immediately after the procedure).  No Retin-A or AHA products 2 weeks before, no laser or chemical peels 1 month before and no microdermabrasion for 2 weeks prior to microblading. 

AFTER MICROBLADING and NANO MACHINE HAIRSTROKES, attention to aftercare is important for producing a beautiful and lasting result. For 10 days, try to keep the treated area as dry as possible and always dab dry, never rub or wipe the treated area. Apply a thin layer of aftercare balm, twice a day, once if you have oily skin (aftercare balm will be provided).  Avoid sweating, saunas, hot tubs, swimming pools, or direct contact of water in the shower.  Avoid facials until eyebrows are fully healed.  Do not use any make-up, face creams, exfoliators or cleansers on or near the brows during the healing process.  Be careful to follow these instructions for the first 10 days after microblading for optimum results.

DURING THE HEALING PROCESS the pigment will oxidize and become darker, this dark color will fade in the first week.  Your brow may develop micro scabs after the procedure, it is important to treat these scabs with extra care and leave them to heal and fall away naturally- scabs will be attached to the pigment in the dermal layer, pulling them off can result in loss of pigment from the skin. Note, that the pigment may disappear during healing only to re-appear a few days later.  Any loss of pigment will be adjusted during the follow-up session.

TOUCH UP APPOINTMENTS are required a minimum of 6 weeks after the initial microblading procedure. During this appointment, it is typical to adjust shade and add pigment to areas that did not retain during the healing process. ***Some skin types may need more than one touch up to achieve the desired pigment retention.

**please visit STAY CONNECTED on the home page to submit any questions about microblading, booking and more or email booking@crlabrows.com**